Monday, November 26, 2012

Holiday Gifting for All Developmental Levels

Parents frequently ask me about the best toys for development at different ages. Parents are also frequently curious about the best toys for children with sensory modulation disorders. Below are a few suggestions for toys for a variety of ages and with a description about what types of development they promote. Please note - all toys should be used with close adult supervision and should be used as intended and for the age ranges recommended by the toy company.  

Happy Holidays! 

For Infants (0 years to crawling age) - Tummy time and Sitting up 

* Earlyears Fill n Fun Water Mat Toy by Earlyears - a great toy for promoting tummy time fun and early crawling. Another great tummy time mat is the Tiny Love Super Mat.

*Fisher-Price Discover 'n Grow Kick and Play Piano Gym - great for teaching cause and effect and to promote rolling and reaching activities.

* FOR INFANTS READY TO STAND AND WITH GOOD HEAD CONTROL: Baby Einstein Musical Motion Activity Jumper - or any jumper that promotes standing and bouncing. Evenflo SmartSteps Jump and Go is a great doorway bouncer. 

* Vulli Sophie the Giraffe Teether - a great teether for cutting those front teeth. 

* Hand and Foot Teether by Toysmith - a great teether for cutting teeth on the sides. 

 * 10" Chilean Cactus Rain Stick Shaker Instrument - great for learning about sounds and learning about hand use as child ages. 

* Hohner 5 Piece Toddler Music Band - learn about sounds, cause and effect, holding toys with one or two hands.  

* Munchkin Snail Stacker Bath Toy - great for eye hand coordination and just fun bath time play! 

 * Rhino Toys Oball Rainstick Rattle - this was my daughter's favorite toy when she was an infant.  A ball that makes it easy for babies to grasp, play with, and learn with... this one makes noise!

Beginning Crawling through Beginning Walkers:  

* Fisher-Price Go Baby Go! Press And Crawl Turtle - encourages movement/crawling.  Another great option in this category is the VTech - Move & Crawl Electronic Activity Ball.

 * Early Learning Shape Sorter (any shape sorter will do!) - helps to develop eye hand coordination, promotes matching as child grows, can be used for "fill and dump" play. This one is my favorite: Toysmith Battat Sort and Stack Toy

 * Melissa & Doug Rainbow Stacker - or the fisher price ring stacker: These are great for learning eye-hand coordination skills and for hand development and learning to use two hands together.

 * Gymnic Rody Horse - great for helping to develop balance and independent sitting skills. A great bouncer for older children.

 * iPlay Cool Tools Activity Set - Great for beginning to use hands and learning to use tools in play.

 * Haba Walker Wagon - Every early walker needs a walker toy. Please avoid the walkers you put your child in and select a push toy instead. The Fisher-Price Brilliant Basics Stroll-Along Walker is another great option with a wide base to help avoid more falls than necessary.  

* PlanToys 50 Construction Set or another toddler block set.  Start you child early on learning to stack blocks, bang toys together, and manipulate small objects in their hands

* Child's sized utensils - check out toddler utensils on Amazon.  Utensils that are just like yours but made for smaller hands.   
* Smart Planet Piano Mat - great feedback for the early walker or crawler.  Encourages movement through sounds. 

* Alex Toys Tub tune Symphony - great fun for the bath tub. 


For the Toddler (Walking well, beginning to talk) 

  * Lauri Toys Tall-Stacker Pegs and Pegboard Set - hours of fun putting pegs together and learning to place them into the peg board. Helps with hand development, using two hands together, and eye-hand coordination.

* PlanToys Plan Preschool Walk N Roll, Push and Pull - great for the early walker who can pull or push a toy!

* LeapFrog: Fridge Phonics Magnetic Letter Set - one of my favorite toys for the early talker and walker. Encourages fine motor skills (in hand manipulation), eye-hand coordination, and promotes letter and sound recognition. For older children the Fridge Words Magnetic Word Builder by LeapFrog is lots of fun.

* Plan Toy Geometric Sorting Board - great eye hand coordination, matching, and visual motor skills. Will be a challenge to work up to.

* Schylling Little Helper Broom Set - young walkers love to help around the house with tools that look just like the ones mom and dad use. Promotes self help skills, coordination, and early learning skills.

* Crayons - this is the time to introduce crayons to your child.  Be sure to always have adult supervision and teach your child that crayons go on paper, not in mouths or on walls.  For kiddos who want to color on the walls try:  Health Science Labs Endangered Species Carded Bath Crayons for bath time coloring

 For the Sensory Kid (Walking, jumping, 2+ years) -

Please use all recommended toys with close adult supervision and be sure to check with your Occupational Therapist to choose which toys are best for your child's specific needs.

* Alex Monkey Balance Board - great for core strengthening and balance work.

* Chew Tubes - Check with your therapist for the best type to buy for your child.

 * Squirmy Wormy: How I Learned to Help Myself A great book about sensory modulation written for kids!

 * Bouncer Trampoline - find a well padded trampoline for younger children.  You may also choose between one with or without a handle bar.  Must have DIRECT Adult supervision.  Use only as directed and at your own risk.

 * Disc'o'Sit Jr Inflatable Chair Cushion - Great for kids who like to wiggle when they sit.  Can be used at mealtimes, at school, or during homework time.

* POOF-Slinky 131 Slinky Brand Pop Toobs - a great stocking stuffer and fidget to help get the wiggles out.

 * Kid-O Bilibo - a great vestibular toy for all ages.

* Scooter Board with handles - a great heavy work toy when your child lays on their stomach.  Works best outdoors, on wood or tile floors, or on office style carpet.

* Cuddle Me Sensory Tunnel - this can also be made from fabric at your fabric store from "tube fabric" which is already created in a "tube" fashion...just cut to length and play!  Great heavy work play and resistive play opportunities. 

 * Jump-o-Lene - If you are worried about the trampoline safety try a Jump-o-lene.  Fully contained with blow up walls and floor.  Can be filled with pillows or balls for a fun crash play opportunity.

* Gymnic / Hop Fantasy Hop Ball - Great heavy work play!! Please use direct parent supervision when using this toy.  Check with the websites or stores for correct sizing.

* Exercise Bands - Great resistive play, for use with direct adult supervision and direction only

 * Yoga mat  - great for burrito rolls or actually doing Yoga!

 * Yoga Kids: For Ages 3-6- I would not normally recommend a video for sensory processing kiddos but this is a great video that your child will get many hours of heavy work from!   If you don't like the idea of a video try The Kids' Yoga Deck: 50 Poses and Games instead!

* Exercise Ball (i.e. pilates ball or balance ball) - great for rolling, bouncing, or providing deep pressure.

* Gel Filled Medicine Ball (2,3,4, or 5 lb) - great for heavy work games such as tossing into a laundry basket, pushing around in a basket or toy car!

* Green Toys Jump Rope - a great coordination activity with balance and heavy work too.

* Hula Hoop - with a few hula hoops you can create a variety of games from jumping from one to the other, tossing outdoors, crawling through, or actually hula hooping!